FAQ & Resources

Adult Education/ESL/GED/Testing

How are Adult Education classes being offered during COVID-19?
All current and upcoming ESL (English as a Second Language) and High School Equivalency (GED/HiSET) classes are being offered both in person (face-to-face) at all GPTC campuses and online. Be mindful that days, times and locations of class offerings may vary and change in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. As always, new classes begin every Monday and are offered FREE of charge.

On-campus computer labs will be open for students who do not have access to technology to attend our online GED/HiSET preparation and ESL classes. The ESL computer lab is at the Paul Starnes Center in Clarkston. The GED/HiSET preparation labs are available at the DeKalb/Clarkston campus on N. Indian Creek Drive, the Newton Campus in Covington and the South DeKalb Campus in Decatur.

How do current students access ESL or High School Equivaliency (GED/HiSET) online classes?
If you were attending ESL or GED/HiSET classes at the time of the campus closure, your classes have resumed online.  If you need information on how to participate in GED/HiSET classes, call 404-297-9522 ext. 4000 or email adulteducation@gptc.edu. For information on ESL classes, please contact LaQuisha Poole, ESL Intake Manager, at 404-297-9522, ext. 2500 or email poolel@gptc.edu .

How do I enroll in ESL or GED/HiSET online classes?
If you want to enroll in ESL or GED/HiSET classes, please register here: ESL, High School Equivalency (GED/HiSET).  One of our intake staff members will contact you with more information.

How can I take the GED test?

GPTC GED Testing is open! The DeKalb Campus located in Clarkston is accepting appointments for GED® and Pearson VUE exams. Please visit MY GED.com or Pearson VUE to register. All exams are by appointment only.

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
  • Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Note: South DeKalb and Newton campuses are not open at this time.


I have general questions about my enrollment. I want to speak to an advisor.
To discuss anything about your current or future enrollment, advisors are waiting to assist you! Please submit the advisement request form (see link below) and an advisor will contact you.



How do I purchase textbooks and supplies?  

There are two bookstore locations – DeKalb and Newton. For more information, visit their webpage, email bookstore@gptc.edu or call (404) 297-2400.

You can purchase textbooks and supplies from the GPTC Bookstore online. For further questions, please visit the GPTC Bookstore web page at https://www.gptc.edu/current-students/campus-services-amenities/campus-bookstores/ There, you will find informational flyers with all the details, important dates and ordering instructions.


I owe a balance. How do I pay my bill?

Debit/credit card payments can be made online by logging in to your Banner Web account. Instructions for making a payment are below:

  • Select the Student Services/Financial Aid tab
  • Select Student Records
  • Select Account Summary by Term
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page. In the far right hand corner, select Pay Online.
  • Select Term: If the term is not available, then select current term Spring 2021
  • Enter your payment amount / then click Pay By Credit
  • Click Continue / Enter in your Credit/Debit Card information
  • If there is a hold on your account, you will need to contact the Business Office to remove the hold upon making your payment.
  • If you encounter an issue, please call us at 404-297-9522, ext. 3124 or ext. 1249. Or email accountreview@gptc.edu.

Mail checks and money orders to:

Georgia Piedmont Technical College
Attn: Bursar Office
495 N. Indian Creek Dr.
Clarkston, GA 30021

How do I sign up for a Nelnet payment plan to pay for my tuition and fees?

  • Nelnet payment plans are available for Spring 2021.

Instructions for setting up a payment plan through Banner Web:

    1. Log into Banner Web.
    2. Click on Student & Financial Aid.
    3. Click on Student Records.
    4. Click on Account Summary by Term.
    5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and chose “Pay Online”.
    6. Select the term.
    7. Choose Pay by Payment Plan.
    8. Set up Payment Plan.

I have a hold on my account, and I don’t know why. Who can help me?

    • If you have a Business Office-related hold, the Business Office can assist you at 404-297-9522, ext. 3124 or ext. 1249 or by email at accountreview@gptc.edu .

Campus Access

IN-PERSON/ON-CAMPUS STUDENT ASSISTANCE: All GPTC Student Affairs campus offices will be open to assist students in person (or virtually) with admissions, financial aid, scholarships and course registration. In order to adhere to pandemic safety protocols, if possible, students should continue to make appointments for in-person visits with Student Affairs staff at https://gptcappointments.setmore.com/.


IN-PERSON, FACE-TO-FACE, and ONLINE CLASSES and LABS are in effect.  Students should stay in contact with their instructors for guidance about their courses and to determine when they are expected to attend classes and labs in person.

Course registration for the Fall 2021 accelerated, 8-week (B-Term) classes began September 8. B-Term classes begin October 4:  To register for classes remotely with an advisor, complete this form.

Commercial Truck Driving (CDL)

Our GPTC Regional Transportation Training Center (RTTC) is open for Classes.

COVID-19 Student Code of Conduct


COVID-19 and Public Health-Informed Campus Policies

Georgia Piedmont Technical College intends to perform its educational mission while protecting the health and safety of its students, faculty and staff, and minimizing the potential spread of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, within the community.

Risks of COVID-19
In order to understand the risks that you face by returning to campus, you must understand that COVID-19 is a highly infectious, life-threatening disease declared by the World Health Organization to be a global pandemic. There is no vaccine for COVID-19 at this time.

COVID-19’s highly contagious nature means that contact with others or contact with surfaces that have been exposed to the virus, may lead to infection. Additionally, individuals who may have been infected with COVID-19 may be asymptomatic for a period of time or may never exhibit symptoms at all.

Because of its highly contagious and sometimes “hidden” nature, it is very difficult to control the spread of COVID-19 on campus or to determine whether, where, or how a specific individual may have been exposed to the disease. Georgia Piedmont Technical College is taking steps recommended by public health authorities to minimize the risk of spreading this disease on our campus.

Georgia Piedmont Technical College cannot and does not guarantee a COVID-19-free environment, and there remains a risk that you may contract COVID-19 if you come onto campus to live and/or attend classes.

We are providing you with the following notice as well regarding the risk of contracting COVID-19 when you enter upon our campus:

Under Georgia law, there is no liability for an injury or death of an individual entering these premises if such injury or death results from the inherent risks of contracting COVID-19. You are assuming this risk by entering these premises.

In order to minimize the risks associated with COVID-19, the policies and guidelines below are incorporated into the Georgia Piedmont Technical College Student Code of Conduct and are applicable to all students.

Your compliance with these requirements is essential to assisting the college in minimizing the risks to you and other members of the community.

General Principles:

You are subject to all guidelines for individuals related to the COVID-19 pandemic established by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

In addition, the State of Georgia has issued guidelines for personal behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic and you must comply with such guidelines at all times. You understand that both sets of these guidelines may change, and it is your responsibility to ensure that you understand and comply with these guidelines at all times.

From time to time the College may implement additional requirements restricting your behavior and you agree to comply with such requirements. You understand that these conditions and limitations on your personal behavior are necessary in order to reduce the risk of transmitting and/or being infected by the COVID-19 virus and that your failure to comply with these responsibilities may jeopardize your health and safety, as well as the health and safety of others in the campus community, potentially causing severe illness and death.


Students will comply with governmental, state, and campus directives concerning maintaining required physical distancing (six feet) between themselves and other individuals on campus;

Students will use a face covering of their choosing that conforms to CDC guidelines anytime that they are in an indoor space where the College deems that social distancing is not practical, including but not limited to academic spaces and dining areas (except while eating) unless given different instructions by authorized college personnel;

Students will engage in frequent hand-washing and follow proper sneeze and cough etiquette, as recommended by the CDC;

Students understand and agree that they may be subject to regular testing for the COVID-19 virus and contact tracing, if testing and contact tracing is available, and they agree to submit to this testing and tracing, and the confidential reporting of the results to the College, without objection;

If students develop any symptom of COVID-19 as described by the CDC, they will immediately inform the College by notifying appropriate personnel.

The above conditions may change, and students agree to follow all college directives relating to COVID-19 and public health requirements.

Any failure to adhere to any of the above directives is a violation of the Code of Conduct that may result in sanctions, including but not limited to suspension or dismissal from the College.

View the GPTC Student Handbook including the full COVID-19 Student Code of Conduct Addendum on page 16-18.

The GPTC COVID-19 Task Force is charged with helping the College protect and support the health and safety of GPTC faculty, staff and students while maintaining the College’s strong commitment to providing instruction and service.  The cross-functional team has representation from staff members across multiple departments at GPTC.

The Task Force appreciates all questions, comments and other feedback. We meet regularly to assess the evolving situation, review recommendations, plan for possible impacts to the campus community and find “locally-driven solutions” guided by health officials, as we respond to the wide-ranging effects of this ongoing pandemic.

To ensure that we are addressing all questions and concerns, please email us at covid@gptc.edu.

Please follow these guidelines when and if you are required to quarantine due to COVID-19 exposure: Quarantine Guidance information

If you suspect that you or a family member may have been exposed to or are exhibiting symptoms of Coronavirus/COVID-19, please visit the Georgia Department of Public Health website to locate a COVID-19 testing site near you.

Credential Pick-up

Credentials will only be mailed to graduates that completed the mandatory graduation survey.  If you are a graduate and did not complete the survey, please email the Registrar’s Office at graduation@gptc.edu. so that you can receive the link and promptly complete.  To make an appointment to pick up your credential please visit https://bit.ly/3eF96OC.

For more information please call Matilda A. Peeples, registrar, at 404-297-9522 ext. 3120

How do I verify if my address is correct?

  • Select gptc.edu.
  • Select Student Dashboard
  • Select Banner web login
  • Enter your single sign on username and password
  • Select Personal Information
  • Select View Address(es) and Phone(s)

If my address is incorrect, how do I change it?

  • Select Update Address(es) and Phone(s)
  • Select Type of Address to Insert
  • In the dropbox, select Mailing Address for Students
  • Submit
  • Enter/Update your New Address and Phone Number
  • Submit

If you have any questions, please contact the Registrar’s Office at graduation@gptc.edu.

Dual Enrollment

The Dual Enrollment staff is available to support you.  We are meeting with students virtually or in-person.  All visitors on campus must have an appointment to meet with a Dual Enrollment Coordinator.  In-person appointments are limited to one student and guest at a time.

Current students can submit paperwork or registration requests to DualEnrollment@gptc.edu.  New students must complete an admissions application.  Students must also complete the NEW GA Futures dual enrollment application and send a snapshot of the Dashboard showing “High School Pending Profile” to DualEnrollment@gptc.edu (please include GPTC student ID number).

GA Futures has created a new dual enrollment application that combines the Student Participation Agreement and the funding application into one online process. This GA Futures application must be completed in order to participate in Dual Enrollment. The new GA Futures process is for use by home study, public and private high school students, and students without a Social Security number. Submission of the paper Student Participation Agreement and former funding application for Summer term and beyond will not be accepted by GA Futures. Should you have any questions about the GA Futures process, please contact GSFC at DualEnrollment@gsfc.org or 770-724-9251.

Please be advised that there has been a legislative change that has impacted student eligibility for enrolling in the Dual Enrollment Program.  These changes went into effect Summer 2020 term and will apply to both current and new students.  Information related to these changes can be found at the GA Futures website.

If you have questions about Dual Enrollment at Georgia Piedmont Technical College, please email us at: DualEnrollment@gptc.edu.

Financial Aid

The Office of Student Financial Aid is operating under normal business hours Monday through Thursday and will be available for assistance via phone and email on Fridays from 8:00am to 2:00pm. *MASKS AND SOCIAL DISTANCING ARE REQUIRED ON CAMPUS**

Campus Logic

If you are selected for a process called verification, you will need to submit any requested documents within a new software portal called Campus Logic. This portal allows you to upload any documents remotely, while monitoring the status of your file. Please be sure to log into your BANNER web account first, then open a new tab and type in the web address ‘gptc.verifymyfafsa.com’.

This portal will also be used to complete and submit Satisfactory Academic Progress appeals.

If you have any financial aid questions, please feel free to contact us at financialaid@gptc.edu. Please allow 24-48 hours for a response.

CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act)

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt students and family members in several ways generating financial hardships related to employment, housing, childcare, food, utilities, and medical expenses. The Department of Education has allocated a new allotment of emergency financial assistance grants for eligible students and has directed institutions to prioritize students who demonstrate the greatest need.

GPTC has awarded and disbursed HEERF2 funds to eligible Spring 2021 students and will continue the awarding process until the funds are exhausted.

Future Students

I’m interested in learning more about Georgia Piedmont Tech. During COVID-19, how can I get more information and ask questions?

We are here to help! Here are a few ways you can get assistance:

  • To view the list of programs, click here.
  • Call Georgia Piedmont Tech at 404-297-9522. Representatives will be available to answer questions Monday – Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.
  • Email questions to admissions@gptc.edu. An admissions representative will respond to your question within 1-2 business days.

Can I still apply to the college for the Spring semester?

Absolutely! We are still processing applications and want you to join us for your academic endeavor. Apply online by clicking here https://www.gptc.edu/future-students/apply-online/ . Students may still register for B Term (accelerated 8-week) courses, which start on March 8, beginning February 15.

However, the College has developed additional admissions and placement procedures for students who did not have Accuplacer test scores by March 16, 2020.

The College will utilize current acceptance levels and procedures as a first course of action. When those options are unavailable, the following process will be followed:

Test scores for SAT, ACT, COMPASS, ASSET and ACCUPLACER will be evaluated for placement if available.

In the absence of available placement test scores, high school GPA will be evaluated. The College will utilize high school GPA scores as follows:

Degree-seeking students:

  • If a student has a high school GPA of 2.5 or higher, Accuplacer is not needed.
  • If a student has a high school GPA of 2.0-2.49, Accuplacer is not needed, but a learning support class will be needed.

Diploma/Technical Certificate-seeking students:

  • If a student has a high school GPA of 2.3 or higher, Accuplacer is not needed.
  • If a student has a high school GPA of 2.0-2.29 Accuplacer is not needed, but a learning support class will be needed.

GED Graduates:

  • If you passed the GED Test in Georgia from 2014 to current, your GED test scores will be accepted as program-ready for any degree, diploma or certificate program.

No previous SAT, ACT, ASSET, COMPASS, ACCUPLACER, 2014 and beyond GA GED Scores or High School GPA 2.0 or above

I’ve already begun the admissions process. How can I submit documents and check my status?

We are still processing applications and are here to help you!

  • Admissions information is available here:  https://www.gptc.edu/future-students/admissions/
    • Transcripts – Send official transcripts electronically to registrar@gptc.edu through network providers such as eScript-SAFE, Parchment, and National Student Clearing House.
    • Test Scores – Send your official SAT or ACT scores electronically to Georgia Piedmont Technical College through your College Board SAT or ACT account.
    • Residency Document – email a legible copy of your valid GA driver’s license, state issued ID, and if applicable, the front and back of your permanent resident card to admissions@gptc.edu. Be sure to include your name and Student ID in the email.

How do I register for classes?

I received an error message when I tried to register. How can I get assistance?

To discuss anything about your current or future enrollment, program enrollment advisors are waiting to assist you! Please contact your enrollment advisor as noted below:

If you would like to schedule an appointment for an advisor to contact you, please complete the advisor request form here: https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?GeorgiaPiedmontTC&layout_id=51 . We’ll be happy to help you at your convenience!

Graduation Ceremony

Georgia Piedmont Technical College’s administration, faculty and staff celebrated our Summer 2019, Fall 2019, Spring 2020 and Summer 2020 graduating classes through a virtual ceremony on December 11, 2020. While our desire is always to honor all graduates with an in-person ceremony surrounded by family and friends, we look forward to the day when we can do those celebrations again safely. Until that day, please enjoy this virtual celebration!  View the Graduation video by clicking this link: https://www.gptc.edu/current-students/registrars-office/graduation/


The DeKalb and Newton Libraries will be admitting students on an appointment basis only for a limited period of time for specific purposes. Laptops will be available by reservation. To make an appointment or for more information, visit https://libguides.gptc.edu or contact a librarian by sending a text message to (404) 800-1811.

We now have limited computer workstations available for students — by appointment only — in GPTC’s Libraries in Clarkston and Covington. Masks and social distancing are required on campus. Make an appointment at libguides.gptc.edu.

Days and hours of operation for computer workstations:

DeKalb Campus (Clarkston – Indian Creek Drive)
Monday – Thursday: 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Newton Campus (Covington – Alcovy Road)
Monday and Tuesday: 12:00 – 4:45 p.m.
Wednesday: 9:00 a.m. – 1:45 p.m.
Thursday: 9:00 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.

Program-specific Inquiries

If you have questions regarding a specific academic program/major at GPTC and the course and campus operations it will follow during the COVID-19 pandemic, please contact the program director listed under the program group and major here: 2021 GPTC Program Directors

Support Services

What is The Safe Place?
Faculty, staff, students and others may refer a student who may be struggling with personal or emotional difficulties or who may be exhibiting concerning behavior to The Safe Place. If anyone at Georgia Piedmont Technical College becomes aware of a student exhibiting troubling behavior, they should immediately inform the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) through The Safe Place .


Distressed Behavior
Students who may be emotionally troubled and/or affected by situational stressors and traumatic event(s).

Disturbed Behavior
Students who may be behaviorally disruptive, acting in an unusual or bizarre fashion, may be destructive and harmful to self or others, and may be abusing substances.

Dysregulated Behavior
Students may be suicidal, para-suicidal (extreme cutting, eating disordered), engaging in risk-taking behaviors (e.g. substance abuse), may be hostile, aggressive, relationally abusive, and may be deficient in skills that regulate emotion, cognition, self, behavior, and relationships.

To report any concerns:

Helpful resources during these trying times:

I’m struggling emotionally or need resources to help me and my family. What free resources are available to me?
We know this can be a trying time for everyone. If you need help, we want to get you assistance.

  • If you are at immediate risk of harming yourself or someone else, immediately call 911.
  • If you need urgent crisis intervention, please access any of these 24-hour emergency mental health crisis resources:

Georgia Crisis and Access Line 1-800-715-4225 mygcal.com

  • Veteran Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255 (Press 1)
  • Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255 sprc.org
  • Crisis Text Line: Text “HOME” to 741-741
  • United Way local resources 211unitedway.org
  • Emotional Support Line for Georgians impacted by COVID-19, sponsored by the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities: informational flyer
  • Search online by your zip code for free or reduced costs for housing, medical needs, jobs, food pantries, and more: auntbertha.com

Internet Assistance: Click the link for a list of companies that are providing 60 days of free internet due to COVID-19: https://www.highspeedinternet.com/resources/internet-guide-during-coronavirus-outbreak

If I need resources and support, who can I contact for assistance?
Georgia Piedmont Technical College is committed to ensuring students are adequately supported during this difficult time. Our services are designed to foster success and contribute to the self-sufficiency of students who are members of the special populations group.

Community Resources:
Special Services has compiled COVID 19 Community Resources for our students.

Stress Management Tips:
The coronavirus pandemic has certainly caused several challenges for many of us and our families. Here is information from the Center for Disease Control about managing through stress and anxiety during the COVID-19 crisis.  COVID 19 Stress Management

Tips for students transitioning to online learning:
Not everyone is going to have the same access to the same technology. Be proactive in reaching out to your teachers to let them know what tools you can use. Think about everything in your toolkit: email, text messages, phone calls, video conferencing/calling tools, Facebook, Twitter, or other social media.

Internet access. Assess your internet access. If you have only a mobile phone, ask that any technology used during this pivot to online be mobile-friendly. If you only have access to a computer for a few hours a day, at work, don’t hesitate to make that known to your instructors.

Class hours. Keeping to a certain class schedule during the COVID-19 pandemic can be challenging. This may not be realistic for you. Write to your instructor and let them know when you can meet, and why you may have trouble meeting during regular class hours.

Ask that video lectures be captioned. Even if you don’t need this, someone in your class may need captioned videos for accessibility.

Help each other. If possible, reach out to other students in your classes and create a support network. Use whatever digital means necessary to stay in touch. There are free tools, like Slack, that are good places to “gather” online; you can also create a Facebook group, a hashtag on Twitter or Instagram. Email works. Group text messages work. Find a way to stay in touch so that no one of you feels stranded or alone.

If you need assistance with resources and support, please contact specialpop@gptc.edu or our Special Populations Analyst, Tyreece C. Echols at echolst@gptc.edu.

I’m concerned about Veterans benefits. Who can I get in touch with to assist me?

Student Veterans can contact the Veteran Affairs Coordinator/VA School Certifying Official, Lyn Johnson at veterans@gptc.edu or johnsonl@gptc.edu for specific questions about your Department Veterans Affairs Educational Benefits (GI Bill®).

  • Registration/Enrollment changes
  • Certification
  • Course changes
  • Payment of allowances

You may also contact the Veteran Education Hotline at 888-442-4551 for questions concerning your education benefits and pay.

  • VA Education Benefits: COVID-19 Information Affecting Veteran Education Benefits
  • Colleges and universities all over the country moved in-person courses to remote or online courses in the interest of public health. For students using VA education benefits, this change raises questions and concerns about the impact to GI Bill benefits and housing allowances (MHA) administered through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). A legislative fix was signed into law on March 21st that allows the VA to continue paying MHA to students whose courses have moved online.
  • Special COVID rules extended to December 21, 2021. Post 9/11 GI Bill students who pursue resident courses converted to an online modality solely due to COVID 19 will continue to receive the MHA rate for resident training.
  • Students will only continue to receive the same, uninterrupted MHA if they are registered for in-resident (in-seat) classes. The new law does not cover regular online courses (courses offered online regardless of coronavirus).

How do I get support for my disability accommodations?

  • If you have a documented disability and need class or testing accommodations, please email Paula Greenwood at greenwop@gptc.edu or call 404/297-9522 ext. 1155.
  • For additional information, please visit: http://www.gptc.edu – click on Current Student Dashboard – click on Campus Services and Amenities – click on Disability Services and Special Population.

I need assistance with my WIOA benefits. How can I get in touch with someone to answer my questions?

For any assistance with Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) benefits, please contact Tyreece Echols, Special Populations Analyst, at echolst@gptc.edu. Ms. Echols is able to assist students that are pursuing a degree, diploma, or technical certificate of credit (TCC) at GPTC.

Please remember that you must be fully accepted into the college for the WIOA coordinator to issue an acceptance letter to your WIOA counselor. Additionally, you must have already completed the WIOA Orientation and be cleared to receive WIOA benefits through either the DeKalb, NE GA, Fulton, Cobb, or Gwinnett WorkSource.

Reminder:  Please continue to follow all updates at https://www.gptc.edu/coronavirus-covid-19-updates/ and by checking college email accounts and social media.

During this time, Georgia Piedmont Technical College is still committed to ensuring fair treatment of its faculty, staff and students.  Please see our policy listed below and follow the guidelines listed to report a concern.

Georgia Piedmont Technical College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, sex, religion, disability, gender, age, political affiliation or belief, genetic information, veteran’s status, or citizenship status (except in those special circumstances permitted or mandated by law). ADA/504 Coordinator:  Candice Buckley – Room A-103, 495 North Indian Creek Drive, Clarkston, GA  30021 (404)297-9522 ext. 1111; Title IX Coordinator:  Sadie Washington – Room A-157, 495 North Indian Creek Drive, Clarkston, GA 30021 (404)297-9522 ext. 1210.

For compliance concerns, complete the “Report a Concern” form located at https://www.gptc.edu/current-students/campus-services-amenities/reporting-policies/ or contact Sadie Washington, Title IX Coordinator, at washingtonsm@gptc.edu

Tech Support

If you need assistance with accessing your GPTC Banner or email accounts, please contact the Student Support Help Desk.

Phone:  (404)297-9522, ext. 5399
Email:  studentsupport@gptc.edu

We now have limited computer workstations available for students — by appointment only — in GPTC’s Libraries in Clarkston and Covington. Masks and social distancing are required on campus. Make an appointment at libguides.gptc.edu.

Days and hours of operation for computer workstations:

DeKalb Campus (Clarkston – Indian Creek Drive)
Monday – Thursday: 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Newton Campus (Covington – Alcovy Road)
Monday and Tuesday: 12:00 – 4:45 p.m.
Wednesday: 9:00 a.m. – 1:45 p.m.
Thursday: 9:00 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.


I need to get copies of my Georgia Piedmont Tech transcripts. How do I do that?

  • We are still providing transcript services. To order your transcript, please follow the following steps:
  • Go to gptc.edu
  • Select Current Students
  • Select Registrar’s Office
  • Select Transcript Request
  • Select Request Official Transcript and complete the request.

Or you click the link below and it will take you to the request form. https://www.credentials-inc.com/tplus/?ALUMTRO005622

Transcripts are $7.50. You will need a credit card or debit card to complete the request. There are several options regarding sending your transcript. Please make sure that you choose the correct option.

The options are “Send Now,” “HOLD for GRADES” or “HOLD for DEGREE.”

Should you have further questions please contact the Registrar’s office at registrar@gptc.edu and a member of our Registrar’s Office team will be happy to assist you.

Same-day hard copy transcripts are unavailable at this time. However, should you have an emergency situation, please contact the Registrar’s office at registrar@gptc.edu.


The Student Success Center will continue to offer online tutoring through WebEx meetings. Online tutoring is a free service to all GPTC students. For questions regarding our free GPTC tutoring services and to access the tutoring schedule, please visit https://www.gptc.edu/current-students/campus-services-amenities/student-success-and-learning-support-center/ .

Work Study Program

We are accepting applications for Federal Work Study for Spring 2021. If you are interested in participating in the Federal Work Student program for the 2020-2021 academic year, please be sure to complete a 2020-2021 FAFSA at www.fafsa.gov. For more information about the Work Study program, please contact Candice Buckley at buckleyc@gptc.edu.